Tes Cohen

Tes Cohen

Tes Cohen’s life purpose is to create meaningful opportunities that foster curiosity and community in order to cultivate interconnectedness and continuous learning. She delights in doing exactly that by co-creating transformative gatherings that are infused with intentionality and lead to long-term impact with purpose-driven organizations. Her career began serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in…

Nellie Cabane

Nellie Cabane

Nellie Cabane is a Registered Facilitator with ETDP and SETA as a Constituent Assessor and SDF, Coach and Mentor, that specializes in facilitation of learning, Job coaching, assessment of learning, training and development, project management, team and business change processes, Coaching and Mentoring Entrepreneurs. Nellie has been involved in learnership programmes for over 10 years…

Marianne Montalvo

Marianne Montalvo

Marianne Montalvo is an international education and youth expert with 18 years of experience in designing and managing programs and facilitating learning for staff and participants globally. Ms. Montalvo has facilitated in-person and virtual meetings, design sessions, workshops, and training for individuals across the world for strategy, program design, training of trainers, staff engagement, and…

Deirdre Maloney

Deirdre Maloney

Deirdre Maloney is an international leadership and communication trainer, experienced facilitator, coach and published author. Her direct approach, combined with practical tips, relatable anecdotes, and a smidge of humor helps people enhance their leadership, their teams, their communication, their effectiveness, and their peace of mind. Through her trainings, Deirdre has presented sessions around the world…

Colin Skelton

Colin Skelton

Having worked and traveled extensively around the world, Colin Skelton draws inspiration from diverse cultures. Consequently, he has adopted a hybrid approach to his creative work. After being based in Bergen, Norway, for over twelve years and traveling extensively from there, Colin returned to South Africa in 2006. Colin is an experienced facilitator rooted in…

Laura Ines Romero

Laura Ines Romero

Laura Inés Romero is a seed of change that combines deep questions and creativity to inspire the deep change needed at an individual level, as well as, in leaders and teams. She is focused on creating spaces for deep listening to make workplaces more human. Laura is passionated about creating the change that new generations…

Dr. Kerriann Peart

Dr. Kerriann Peart

Known for her exuberance and critical thinking, Dr. Kerriann Peart champions work at the intersections or as she likes to say, “the junction of things.” With her Caribbean identity and culture, Dr. Peart has supported work across sectors both private and public, national, and international, always leaning into the efforts of equity and leveraging the…