Jessi Bellama

Jessi Bellama

Jessi Bellama is a strategy and design leader with 20 years’ experience creating direction from uncertainty for growing and changing organizations using Human-Centered Design and a shared value lens. She deeply believes in creating a world where organizations embody human and societal thriving to achieve purpose-driven goals. Jessi has crisscrossed the private, public and nonprofit sectors…

Anaitée Mills

Anaitée Mills

Anaitée Mills has over 12 years of experience working in international development, consulting for highly reputable organizations such as the Inter-American Development Bank, World Resources Institute, the University of Oxford, and the World Bank; and for governments in Latin America and the Caribbean. She holds a BSc in Human Resources Administration, certifications in Project Management, Energy…

Nadene Canning

Nadene Canning

Nadene Canning‘s career is a testament to the power of vision, leadership, and the relentless pursuit of meaningful change. With over 20 years of experience managing large-scale projects across 45 countries in Europe, Africa, and the Americas, Nadene has mastered the art of navigating complex challenges in industry, sustainable development, and technology. Her global perspective…

Joey Leskin

Joey Leskin

Joey Leskin is a Masters-educated Leadership Consultant from London who designs and facilitates experiential and educational workshops for audiences across the globe. He specializes in communication skills, remote work methodologies and team development, and has worked with numerous non-profits and startups. His focus is on empowering early-stage professionals, early-stage managers and those working cross-culturally, having had travel experience in…

Sylvia Wambui

Sylvia Wambui

Carlos Gaviria has more than 25 years of experience facilitating group processes with individual contributors, middle and senior management. He has a lot of experience and learning in Experiential Education, Team Coaching, Consultative Sales, Strategic Planning and Leadership, in Colombia, Spain, Panama and Venezuela, creating spaces for learning and personal growth. Carlos has been Director…

Laura Ines Romero

Laura Ines Romero

Laura Inés Romero is a seed of change that combines deep questions and creativity to inspire the deep change needed at an individual level, as well as, in leaders and teams. She is focused on creating spaces for deep listening to make workplaces more human. Laura is passionated about creating the change that new generations…

Katy Mamen

Katy Mamen

Katy Mamen is a creative and collaborative systems change consultant and facilitator helping leaders, organizations and networks find strategic clarity and build collaborative leadership. Recognized as a highly effective and culturally competent facilitator, systems change capacity builder, and nonprofit & philanthropic strategist with a track record of success working with diverse stakeholders to design aligned strategies for…

Dr. Kerriann Peart

Dr. Kerriann Peart

Known for her exuberance and critical thinking, Dr. Kerriann Peart champions work at the intersections or as she likes to say, “the junction of things.” With her Caribbean identity and culture, Dr. Peart has supported work across sectors both private and public, national, and international, always leaning into the efforts of equity and leveraging the…

Carmen Franco

Carmen Franco

Carmen Franco is passionate about co-creating transformative experiences with her clients, helping organizations and leaders explore their potential to increase their impact. Using her varied background and experiences in start-ups, Fortune 500 corporations, academic institutions, and non-profit organizations. Carmen is committed to enhancing organizations, your practice, team, and/or company via 1:1 and/or team coaching —…