Tosca Bruno-van Vijfeijken

Tosca Bruno-van Vijfeijken

Tosca Bruno-van Vijfeijken has offered leadership development including coaching, change management and facilitation to leaders of international organizations, NGOs and foundations for 30 years, in practice, in academia and as an independent consultant. Tosca has delivered 25+ leadership development training programs and consulted with INGOs on change management since 2006. Tosca enjoys facilitating leadership level meetings as…

Liesbeth (Liz) Kieboom

Liesbeth (Liz) Kieboom

Liesbeth (Liz) Kieboom is an organizational consultant with a track record in organizational anthropology, change management and human resource management. In group facilitation or individual coaching processes she accompanied, management development, employee engagement and power dynamics are recurring elements. Liz worked in international corporate, governmental and non-governmental settings, such as media, universities, multinationals, multilateral agencies and…