Regina Solares

Regina Solares

Regina Solares began facilitating trainings in 2014, from the position she held in one of the largest telecommunications companies in Guatemala. In 2016 she physically experienced the impact of stress in her life, which led her after ten years in the corporate world to seek balance again. Today Regina facilitates innovative and disruptive programs that…

Emefa Modey

Emefa Modey

Dr. Emefa Modey is a public health professional and academic with focus on Maternal and child health, specifically, Family planning, Sexual and Reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and cardiovascular diseases in pregnancy. Her research spans several critical areas, including Maternal and Child Health, Family Planning, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, and cardiovascular diseases during…

Camille Lemouchoux-Heffer

Camille Lemouchoux-Heffer

Camille Lemouchoux-Heffer is a freelance professional coach, trainer and consultant and the founder of Mind Your Mind and Cofounder of the collective Perspectives Coaching. She works part-time with the Centre of Humanitarian Leadership (CHL, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia) since 2019 and is responsible for the coaching and mentoring component of the Graduate Course in Humanitarian…

Kari Kwinn

Kari Kwinn

With a background in event management and production, Kari Kwinn works with expert level virtual facilitators to gracefully support the technical infrastructure and hold the container of their work. Drawing on the canon of work called Liberating Structures and the possibilities created by Zoom and other synchronous work platforms, Kari bridges the gap between facilitation…