Jake Wild Crea

Jake Wild Crea

Jake Wild Crea brings conflict management practices from the peacebuilding field to improve how organizations do good in the world. He is an independent conflict resolution practitioner with local, national, and international experience. Fueled by the belief that conflict is inherent to change, Jake helps organizations and individuals lean into productive conflict and address barriers…

Natalie Moore

Natalie Moore

Natalie Moore has 10+ years of facilitating experience through; helping larger organizations manage change, team building support, start-up planning, stakeholder collaboration, design thinking, contract management and the related. Having her Post Graduate Diploma in Non-Profit Management makes Natalie particularly skilled at consulting and facilitating within this community, and translates well to traditional business environments also….

Tes Cohen

Tes Cohen

Tes Cohen’s life purpose is to create meaningful opportunities that foster curiosity and community in order to cultivate interconnectedness and continuous learning. She delights in doing exactly that by co-creating transformative gatherings that are infused with intentionality and lead to long-term impact with purpose-driven organizations. Her career began serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in…

Marianne Montalvo

Marianne Montalvo

Marianne Montalvo is an international education and youth expert with 18 years of experience in designing and managing programs and facilitating learning for staff and participants globally. Ms. Montalvo has facilitated in-person and virtual meetings, design sessions, workshops, and training for individuals across the world for strategy, program design, training of trainers, staff engagement, and…